I will declare your name to my brothers . . . ~Psalms 22:22

God makes sure that you are always surrounded by people who need Him so desperately daily. Someone near you, in your own community needs the regenerating power of Christ. Heaven is counting on you to call them by name into the Kingdom of God.

Let me suggest that you make a prayer list and begin spending time in prayer for them. Ask God to show you how to witness to them and how to win them back to Christ. Their lives can be transformed by the deliberate act of allowing God to breath life to them through you.

You are to share this Gospel you have received. If Christ has done anything for you, then share it. I challenge you to go show His compassion and share His mercy! As you have received the mercy of God by the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life–thus you are commanded to Go show and share mercy! The bible assures that you will not only receive mercy but you will find stimulating happiness to do more for the extension of the Cause of Christ in our generation!

When was the last time you spoke about Jesus to your world? I challenge you to step out and rescue the perishing with appropriate haste! Christ is behind you; Go!

Reaching the lost at every cost is our mandate….keep Jesus lifted up…..He will draw your world to himself!
Pastor Cyrus Kithele.