For many years i kept asking “Why would someone ask God for a mountain of all things pleasurable and good?!?

“…give me this mountain…”
Joshua 14:12 NJKV

But the pages of life in Christ have taught me that when you tackle something bigger than yourself:

(1) you grow;
(2) you learn to depend on God;
(3) you get to celebrate big victories.

Caleb said: ‘…here I am today, 85 years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified but, with the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said’ (Joshua 14:10-12 NIV).

Listen, Anybody can occupy the flat ground, but it takes faith in God to tackle a mountain. What’s more, that’s where the Anakites – the giants – lived! These guys were so big they caused ten of Moses’ spies to say, ‘…Next to them we felt like grasshoppers …’ (Numbers 13:33 NLT).

You’d think at 85 Caleb would have asked for a nice cottage in a good suburb! But no, he wanted another battle and another victory before he checked out.

Stop asking God for a problem-free life, otherwise you might die of boredom. It’s in working to solve problems and overcome challenges that you become the person God wants you to be. So ask Him for a task that will keep you learning, growing, uncomfortable and hungry for significance.

When you pray, ‘God, use me,’ be prepared to encounter four things:

1. adventure,
2. danger,
3. risk and
4. reward.

Therefore speak with the heavens today! Get tired of petting the flat common ground and Go For the mountain!

For prayers and counsel: please contact us at +254703514000 | +254710177100 or email me at

Invading the Secular Space with the Gospel!

Invading the Secular Space with the Gospel!


They…limited the Holy One of Israel.’ Psalm 78:41 NKJV

Researchers conducted an experiment in which frogs were placed in separate glass jars covered with lids to prevent them from escaping. At first the frogs kept jumping, trying to escape, but each time they hit their heads on the lid. After thirty days of doing this, something amazing happened. When the lids were removed from the jars, the frogs never jumped out even though they could easily have done so. Why? Because they had formed a belief system that the top of the jar was as high as they could go – their limiting belief system kept them trapped in the jar! The Israelites did that too: ‘Again and again they… limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power…’ (Psalm 78:41-42 NKJV).

Are you holding on to limiting belief systems, even though they are no longer true and are sabotaging your future? ‘I’m too young, too old, I’m a woman, I’m the wrong nationality, I don’t have the education, I don’t have the talent, I don’t have the connections, I failed too badly, etc.’

Fear of success stems from: (1) Fear of not being worthy of success. (2) Fear of being unable to meet the expectations and fulfil the responsibilities that accompany success. (3) Fear of being rejected by those unhappy about your success. (4) Fear of losing control of normal, private life. (5) Fear of saying no to friends and family who feel entitled to control you. Get rid of your limiting belief systems! Not only will God give you success, He will give you the skill and strength to handle it.

Go forth, you’re well able!

Invading the Secular Space with the Gospel!

Faith is Keeping Focus!


I grew up from a middle class family with so many challenges but most importantly, a family whose greatest pride was the Lord Jesus Christ. There was nothing at home we could call a family asset…no oxen, no cows, no permanent house and no bank account!
But the memories of our early morning family altar and the evening prayer gatherings still linger as fresh as if it were recent the moments we shared with the Lord as a family.
Dad taught us how to talk to God about literally anything in our lives. We talked to God about exams, about food, about our frustrations with our neighbors trespassing goats. We believed Him in prayer for a change in the seasons of our lives, daily beseeching Him to cause a turn-around in our lives! We believed Him for the details of our lives and for the seemingly wildest dreams of our hearts amidst the challenges we were facing.
Our community traditionally didn’t celebrate our choice as a family to respond to the Lords calling upon our lives into ministry and we were despised even among our closest family circles. A few years back, we were Kicked out of our ancestral land and lost everything before the dreams we had incubated for so long could become a reality… and so this literally forced us to step fearlessly into the world by Faith with both feet this time, trusting Jesus for a start over plan!
It’s been now five years since the Lord beautifully resettled us on a much more fertile land within good space for our large family, giving us a wonderful community of people around us and more than double the property we had earlier. Our possessions have favorably increased and we are celebrated and loved.
The legacy of irresistible Faith is the Most Precious gift my Father ever gave me! His trust in the Lord so powerfully rubbed off on me that nothing scares me about life anymore! No threat is too big to handle and no path is too dark to navigate as long as the Lord has sanctioned the pilgrimage!
Every paragraph of our life story paints a clearer picture of the God who never fails! A father that can be trusted and a Promise keeping God who never changes! He is the God in whose existence there’s no shadow of turning! He is alive and Mighty! He is the God who can be trusted because He is the faithful one!
From a very tender age, dad taught me to pray. There was never a small detail of our family life father didn’t talk to God about and; he too dared God about things that were seemingly too far away from our reach until we saw them manifest in the physical! He taught me to trust in the God of every possibility!
FAITH is the reason why I can’t give up regardless of how many times I’ve been knocked down! I’ve been betrayed by friends, insulted by fathers, misused and dumped, treated like trush, kicked out of houses, dishonored by those I once called sons and daughters in the faith, slandered and ill-treated many times.
The road I travel is soaked with the tears of painful prayers I have made to Jesus in different seasons of my life and ministry, marked with blood stains from the wounds of the past, illuminated by the shiny scars of experiences that should have stopped me!
But the reason the devil ain’t going to be any happier with me anytime soon is because I have been anointed with an unstoppable comeback DNA that he just can’t understand! Every trial he pushes my way bounces off perfectly well and the unfolding of God’s plan for my life is increasingly becoming one very complicated puzzle for the devil to understand!
Faith is what keeps me moving forward! It’s the arm that lifts me up from every failure! Its the determination to achieve what others have written off as impossible! Faith if Life!
What you believe will preserve you or kill you! Anybody who puts their faith in Jesus; they have the capacity to become all that they were made to be in due time regardless of the stop-overs they’ll have to make in life.
You too can have such simple faith that can literally stop every evil plan against your life and cause the turn-around you’ve been dreaming about! You can live with confidence and face every day with anticipation! I Dare you to believe in the God of all creation today; He is Trustworthy and true!